Winter session – November 2010 through May 9th

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Thursday, 8am PST
9am MST
11am EST

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December 2nd. Our first call!

Introductions to community members (Claudia Draper, Marla Bosko, Dan Schmidt, Tracy Cash, Darliss O’Donnell, Dan Howard)

Helpful guidelines for successful buddy relationships and review of Module 1

December 9th – Quick Start Your Growth

More introductions (David Scott Jones, Theresa Robbins, Lydia Nibley, Angela Rhinehart)

Review and questions about Module 2 – Quick Start Your Growth
30-Day Action Plans.
How to prioritize effectively.
Everyone answered these questions:
“I feel most inspired to _________.”
“I know I need help with ________.”
“When I complete _________I’ll give myself the reward of _______.”

December 16th – Planning Your Growth

Introductions (Dianasue Holland, Kimberly Ross)
Review and questions about Module 3 – Planning Your Growth

Everyone answered these questions:
“An insight I’ve had about my business this week is __________.”
“The way I’m feeling about planning my growth “organically,” is ____________.”
“The most fun I had working on a business priority this week was ___________.”

Keywords: procrastination, elevator speech, awareness, overwhelm, trust, distraction, grounding, fun, rewards, holidays, connecting, calendars, buddies, dream big!

January 6th – Groundwork

Review and questions about Module 4 – Groundwork, Part 1, Gifts, Passion & Purpose

Check-ins after the holiday break.
Everyone answered the question “What is the biggest ah-ah you’ve had while reflecting on your gifts, passion and purpose?”

Keywords: intentions, calendar, rest, accountability, purpose, passion, gifts, astrology, North Node, life path, two businesses, client list.

January 13th – The Money is in the Message

Introduction from member Christine Jenkins.
Review and partner exercise about your MESSAGE for Module 4: Groundwork, Part II -The Money is in the Message

Keywords: Purpose, joy, passion, embody, message, bold, tagline, marketing, website, branding, transformational stories, authenticity, vulnerability.

January 20th call – Unearthing Your Unlimited Self

Module 4: Groundwork, Part III – Unearthing Your Unlimited Self

Sharing answers to these questions:

• What was the most surprising belief you discovered when unearthing your limiting beliefs?

• Like tools in a toolbox, what beliefs do you need in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish and live the life you were meant to live?

Keywords: unlimited potential, strength, success, trust, change the world, time, money, video, message, Kodak Playtouch camera, creative energy, competition, competence, confidence, “God doesn’t steer a parked car,” PSYCH-K offer

January 27th – Needs, Niches & New Clients…Now

Module 5: Needs, Niches & New Clients…Now

We work with partners, practicing our elevator speeches and sharing honest, loving feedback.

Support like this is SO valuable. It can save you months or years of refining your message so that people light up when they hear what you “do.”

Keywords: organic growth, feeling behind, perfectionism, cycles, habits, calendaring, inspiration, compost, elevator speech, clarifying message, authentic, not ‘canned,’ modality vs. solution, client magnet (and non-client repellent)

February 3rd – Needs, Niches & New Clients…Now, Part II

Module 5: Needs, Niches & New Clients…Now, Part II

The group sharing was:
what your “seed” or freebie/sample is
and what challenge it solves for your ideal clients

Keywords: free samples, consult, benefit statement, e-course, teleseminars, e-book, blog, classes, free session, video, challenges, ideal clients, why before how, coupon, story, elevator speech

February 10th – From Promise to Paydirt

Module 5: From Promise to Paydirt

The group sharing was:
What is your “promise” to clients?

The partner sharing was:
What are your 3 highest priorities right now for moving your business forward?

What promise/s could you make to yourself that would support your priorities?

Keywords: promise, priorities, guarantee, website copy

February 17th – The Seeds of Success

Module 6: The Seeds of Success

Brief review of the SEEDS of SUCCESS and the ACTION SHEET tool.

Partner sharing: follow up about priorities from last week (accountability) top priority for the “Seeds of Your Success.”

Are you creating a seed (freebie sample)?
Do you know where good places to plant your seeds are?
If you already have a seed ready to go, how many do you want to plant in order to have a predictable sales harvest?
When do you want to have them planted by?

Keywords: Freebie, samples, email open rates, ideas for discovering what your “seed” offer is, ideal clients, accountability, priorities. Sylvia’s mantra: ask for what you want, offer what you have, say what you see. David’s mantra: Learn what is right so you can do what is right because it’s right.

February 24th – SHINE! Part I

Module 6: SHINE! Part I

Group sharing:
Based on what you learned this week about attention, how can you allow yourself to be seen more?

The partner sharing will be:
What’s one thing you want to do in the next week to SHINE?

NOTE: From this point on the recordings use a “silence suppression” feature that makes the voices sound a bit choppy, but it does makes the editing much faster, so just imagine natural breathing pauses while you enjoy the “laser” version of these calls.

March 3rd – SHINE! Part II – Compelling headlines

We practiced headlines and got feedback.

March 10th call – The Magic Moment

We practiced staying in our hearts during the Magic Moment when you invite someone to do business with you.

March 17th call – Anatomy of an Offer

Your core offer is the core of your income and as you learned in this workshop, there are several vital parts needed to make it work well.

On this call we worked with the Anatomy of an Offer worksheet and did “seed tests” with partners so that our offers will be smooth, natural and easy to say yes to!

March 24th call – Making Your Offer Irresistible

We shared ideas, brainstormed and got feedback about ways to make your offer more irresistible.

March 31st – Perennial Profits

Where is the “low hanging fruit” in your business? What actions are you willing to take to harvest it? What are some ways you can over deliver or show your clients that you care about them?

This is what we shared about on this call.

April 7th – Fruits of Your Labor…and Beyond

We brainstormed about making referrals easier, surveys, feedback and creating higher end offers.

April 14th – Compost

We explored and shared about:

What are some disappointments you’ve had in your business and what have you learned from them?

April 21st – Cross-Pollination

We did the same fun cross-pollination game you saw in the video. Everyone shared their  list of “seeds” or freebie giveaways/samples.

April 28th – Weed, Prune & Reenergize!

On this week’s call, we shared and brainstormed solutions to the “tolerations” that you discovered in this workshop.

Let go of what’s no longer serving you to free up more vitality and abundance in your business and in your life.

May 5th – The BIG Cycle of Abundance

On this call we be discussed insights about the big cycle of abundance and how it can work for you, along with partner breakouts to do one more “seed test” with the concept of Fractal Success in mind.

Once you’ve got a successful “fractal” for one sales transaction going smoothly, you can repeat it over and over and thriving becomes MUCH easier.

May 12th – Completion!

We shared inspiration and lots of appreciation.

I wish you all the very best in your next steps. You are blossoming organically and beautifully and it’s been an honor to be part of your growth!

Lots of love,

Comments (6)

Hi Sylvia,

This is where I am with my elevator speech so far:
“I coach LOA savvy people who are ready to step more fully into their ‘true self’ by helping them to raise their vibrational level, allow what they want to come into their lives and to shine their light in the world.

Tag line – Are you ready to shine?

Any feedback gratefully received.

I like this. Are your potential ideal client responding well? A couple of questions I have as I read this are: is there any other specific thing about these “LOA savy” people that would make them a good match for working with you? And when you say you help them “raise their vibrational level” I find myself wondering what exactly that would give them? What’s the next level of benefit to raising your vibration? Seems to me exploring this may give you some more juicy benefit-oriented words to use.

Thanks Sylvia, I see what you mean. Since I was thinking that I will be mostly marketing for professionals; psychiatrists, therapists, psychologists, and life coaches, I was trying to hit a hummm….more reserved audience. I thought I should sound more “professional”, but maybe that turned out to be boring. Thank you for your suggestions. They sound wonderful! I just got home from a day clutter clearing and I feel exhilarated. I LOVE WHAT I DO! Life just doesn’t get any better than this.

I have two elevator speeches. I’m wondering if I need to have only one or if two could be helpful depending on my audience? Here goes. I’d love feedback!

1. I help clients who are overwhelmed with clutter to create orderly environments that support their emotional health.

2. I help people who are overwhelmed with clutter to create an orderly home and still keep what’s most important to them.

Claudia, I see you’ve done some great work and made lots of progress! Personally, I’d love to hear more of your uniqueness and passion come through. I get that you ‘create order,’ but I’m not hearing that you LOVE working with clutter and the people who make it (and I know this is unique about you). I still like the idea of saying something like “I LOVE working with clutter of any size – from a few piles of paper to mountains of chaos. I compassionately guide people to create peaceful order that lasts”…something like that.

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