The Heart of Growing your Business – Free Teleclass series with Sylvia Nibley
All the classes in this series are full of down-to-earth practical information, inspiration and coaching.

9 Common Pitfalls of Heart-centered Entrepreneurs and How to Avoid Them I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and have seen what doesn’t work play out so many times that I would LOVE to save you a whole lot of trouble by bringing some common pitfalls out into the open where they can be questioned and changed.

How to Keep Up When Everything is Speeding Up These are wild times. Opportunity is everywhere, but so is overwhelm. How do you navigate accelerated change while trying to grow your business, live your purpose and be clear on what to do next?

I’m Doing What I’m Meant to Do, So Where’s the Money? For those who follow their heart into business, this can be puzzling, but it can also be simple to change when you understand and implement the principles of nature that govern every relationship.

Growing Your Business With a Website With all the time, energy and money that goes into websites, too many of them just float there in cyber-space and don’t really get clients for the entrepreneurs who put them there. I’ve worked with a lot of websites and their owners for over 15 years and will share the essential elements of a site that will actually grow your business.
About Sylvia Nibley
For 25 years I’ve been following my heart on the adventure of being an entrepreneur led by the whisperings of spirit and the big, wild vision of changing the world. Through the decades I’ve boldly said yes to being a healer, community builder, web developer, teacher, product creator, breakthrough maker and most surprising…a marketing guru! I’ve had grand failures, magnificent successes and only a couple of days where I considered going back to a corporate paycheck.

I love all things entrepreneurial AND all things spiritual…and it thrills me to no end to teach people like you to grow your business, change the world and thrive using your intuition, your wise heart and the power of NATURE–which I believe is the best teacher of all!