I’m thrilled and honored that you’ve said yes to exploring the GROW Your Business Organically program with the starter kit.
You’ve just been sent an email from sylvia@SylviaNibley.com with all the details. Be sure to tell your spam filter to let this good stuff through.
I’m happy to gift you this series that shows you the essential pieces you need to grow your heart-centered, purpose-driven business. I think you’ll get loads of ideas and insights from the starter kit.
• Thrive Assessment
A down-to-earth look at the current growing conditions of your heart-centered business.
• Essentials of Thriving in Business
Get a taste of how attracting clients can be OBVIOUS instead of confusing
• 55 Seed Ideas for attracting more clients
• Your Growth Plan
What’s possible? Do the exercises and find out!
• Up Close and Personal workshop
How do you know what to say in your newsletters, offers, on your website and in conversations that will translate into business?
Thanks again and I look forward to wholeheartedly serving you. Please let me know if you have ANY questions.
Much love,